Boy, did Beach Body Bootcamp kick our butts last night! I don’t think either of us has ever attempted that many squats, lunges or push-ups, let alone a consecutive series of all three! Our trainer Ian (aka bootcamp sergeant J) led us with the perfect mix of motivation and encouragement. We couldn’t have asked for better weather, which was a great reminder that beach season has officially begun! As fashion strutted around Copley Square, images of bathing suits, tank tops and short shorts helped give us that extra push when our arms and legs were calling it quits.
To kick off the session last night we started with some jumping jacks and then went right into walking lunges and sprints, rested for about 20 seconds (thanks Ian!) then literally jumped right into high knee kicks. Ouch, definitely feeling those today. We moved onto eight rotations of push-ups for 40 seconds, with a 20 second plank. Washboard abs, here we come. After that series, we started a new rotation of sideways walking lunges and squats (our legs hated us by that point) and topped off the set with tried and true sit-ups and push-ups. Finally, we finished the bootcamp with six more sets of sprints and then another round of squats.
Even though we are sore today and totally content just sitting here at our desks, we are so looking forward to Bootcamp tonight!
Until next time…